Friday, March 18, 2005


Joy to all and happiness to the rest: the Internet and I have reconciled after our long (and admittedly painful) separation. It started with the move.

In February I was driven from my last home and the wonderful Internet connection I had found there. Boldly I set forth and my journeys carried me far and wide before finally I found haven in Arlington. There I began to rebuild that which had been torn down. I fear I focused on other priorities while the Internet languished.

I, fool that I was, left it alone for no small span of time. Oh sure, we found small joys in the occasional encounter, but it was not enough. I would sneak off to my brother's house and meet it there, or make excuses to travel to my girlfriend's dwelling where I would seek a brief moment of happiness with the Internet. Alas, those flashes of connection were all too rare and far too brief.

Tonight, for the first time in more than a month, I welcome the Internet into my home once more. It brings with it the email, blogs, and webcomics I have long missed. Soon, though I do not perhaps deserve the reward, there will even be a new bundle of electronic joy - Xbox Live.

What this means for you, dear readers, is that you get to resume your role as readers once more while I take upon me the mantle of blogger. I once more have access to the tools I need to serve you the best and wittiest commentary I have to offer, more or less. So be content knowing there is more to come (at least until I get the Xbox Live hooked up - after that all bets are off)


Comments I Know You Are Going to Make But Which I Intend to Preempt Here:
- You were gone?
- You do realize that this absence isn't significantly different (statistically speaking) from your previous absences when you DID have internet connection?
- Excuses, excuses
- While I appreciate the "best and wittiest commentary [you] have to offer" I was hoping for something a little higher quality - like, perhaps, monkeys with typewriters.
- I'll believe it when I see it.

And that's it for now - I'll let you come up with the rest.
(It's good to be back)

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