Wednesday, November 15, 2006

I have not posted a post in some time. This much is obvious. I have grand plans to fix all this, but as usual, am not following through. Fortunately, Mr Fancysocks is here to pick up the slack for me. Well, not here... here. He calls it "Everything in this Blog is Completely True!!!" which aside from the confusing use of the factorial symbol, is an excellent example of what we in the writing industry like to call "sarcasm." Also "lies." Fortunately, they are entertaining lies, and in the end, isn't that the real truth? The answer, is no. Also, I'm not going to apologize for ripping off the Simpsons in that last quote, I mean if they apologized for everyone they upset, they'd have no more time for writing shows. So they're not getting my apology.

Mr. Fancysocks, aka Kenrochet, aka Penrock, aka Mike (and sometimes Michael) is doing a brave thing attempting to make the internet entertaining once more. I suggest you check his posts. Especially if you like New Kids On The Block.

In the meantime, that's one more incentive for me to return to the limelight. I'll see what I can do.

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