Sunday, June 18, 2006


They say you learn something new every day. It's true. I know. I made a list. Perhaps I was seeking the truth. Perhaps I was just bored. In either case, here are some of the things I have learned in the past few days:

- I do not like parsnips.
- I do not like lamb.
- Cooking with someone else is fun, no matter how the food turns out (actually, I knew this one already).
- Good intentions aren't any more effective than they used to be (that's one of those lessons that needs constant reinforcement for me).
- It IS possible (with a little effort) to buy a card after the holiday has passed.
- I grind my teeth when I'm stressed.
- I really do remember how to make a gant chart.
- My coworker Steve cannot do pushups while Tom is making fart noises.
- Running out of wiper fluid while trying to use it is worse than not having any at all.
- Do not buy donuts after 9PM if you can help it.
- "Sometime soon" is not an acceptable schedule. Be specific or it won't happen.
- I cannot walk into a bookstore without buying something.
- Bob and Jim do not see eye to eye on the "ground under repair" rule in golf. Also, this is a subject that can occupy them for a good hour and a half.
- If you cut your hair, people will finally notice that you shaved your beard.
- A single serving of orange juice will always cost more than you think it should.
- If you cannot come up with a good blog idea, make a list.

P.S. For those of you who enjoy lists - here are two people who have mastered the art of the list: Homestarrunner and David Ives (see the introduction to his collection of plays: All in the Timing)

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