Saturday, August 01, 2009

Slow Progress

Today is picture day in our apartment. That is, Sarah and I have been putting our pictures on the walls, something we can do now that the furniture is in place and we can be reasonably certain we won't be changing the layout any time soon. Like everything else in this move, Sarah and I have too many pictures. When we lived on our own, neither of us was particularly shy about decorating. They were different styles, of course, but we both managed to fill our walls. My walls tended to have more dragons and more movie posters, while hers had more lighthouses and more Tiggers. We both had pictures of friends and family (and in a few cases, art BY friends and family). We found a workable compromise at the last place without TOO much difficulty. Most of the Tiggers and the movie posters were put aside until we would move into a place with the wall space for them. This is not that place, they're staying packed for another move.

Picture day has not been very much fun. Gratifying, yes, fun, no. The dining room is complete except for one clock that's going to require a stepladder to put up. The entrance way, the hallway, and the guest bedroom are all set. The living room is killing us. But we'll get there.

The rest of the apartment is coming along, too. Some of Sarah's excess furniture has been returned to her father and more goes back tomorrow. We've filled three boxes with donatable goods (in addition to what we cleared out before we left Atlanta) which should leave the apartment this week. We seem to be finding places for everything else. This apartment is a tight fit, but clearly we needed to trim some of our excesses anyway. We still have more boxes sitting out than we'd like, but we're happy it no longer feels like we're living in a storage closet.

1 comment:

Mike P said...

Do you realize how many more pictures you could have hung in the time it took you to write this blog entry?